A seemingly impossible task. Take everything inside of your mind, the things that describe your hobbies, interests, who you are, and your skills, and put them in an organized tiny little space. I don't know how all that stuff manages to fit in my brain, let alone on a finite space. So, after thinking about it for a while, I decided I wanted to attempt a mobile. I thought that the dynamic movements behind the piece would bring this rough outline of my mind to life a little bit.
Well, quickly after beginning, I realized that I had greatly underestimated the amount of time needed to complete such a project. After spending most of a Friday afternoon on the project, and making not nearly enough headway, I accepted that this was not going to be anything like I imagined.
It turned out to be OK, but, being the perfectionist I am, there is much I feel like I could have improved upon. However, its an interesting piece to look at, and it does the job that it was meant to. So here are my skills:
Well, quickly after beginning, I realized that I had greatly underestimated the amount of time needed to complete such a project. After spending most of a Friday afternoon on the project, and making not nearly enough headway, I accepted that this was not going to be anything like I imagined.
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